Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shades of Grey

Some controversial news these days.....

What does everyone think about:

the Mosque being built a few hundred feet from Ground Zero in NYC?!?

Proposition 8 is overturned in California?

France's lower house of Parliament banning burqa style face veils - with more countries in Europe discussing similar bans?

Judge blocks Arizona Immigration Law?

just to name a few.....
doesn't it feel like things are changing by leaps and bounds lately?


  1. It's odd that some of the changes are "backwards" and the others are a happy movement forward.

    I know I'm probably the odd one out on this, but I'd like the Mosque to be built at Ground Zero. Or maybe a religious center for all faiths. It would be a BIG step forward in this country as well as a display to Islamic nations that we're not bigots. I know most people don't see it this way. Most see it as a slap in the face to those who died. However, most people don't realize that the man proposing the build is Jewish and that some 200+ Muslims died in the Towers that day.

    But alas, I tend to keep my opinion quiet because I'm sure it will upset many.

  2. Thanks for your comments!! - its brave and scary putting your opinions out there - but it Is appreciated!!!
