Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I've got nothing.

A few random things
I've been spring cleaning my house for about 2 weeks now (spring cleaning = scouring) and then, as i was walking down the stairs today, a HUGE cobweb dangling about a foot from the ceiling collided with my head.  I went bat (bleepin) crazy.

I know i say this a lot, but time is moving So very fast.  I was looking at pictures of my baby-doll today, who will be turning 6 in two months...6!!!  In those pictures he was between new and 15mos. old.  What a treasure and a joy he was - what a happy time in my life.  Littlest baby will be 2 in a month.  Holy crap - there is no making things slow down - there aren't enough pictures or videos (though thank Goodness for them - my memory is so scattered, i can live vicariously through my own pictures).

I am only one year away from being fat as many years as I've been thin...which mean I will go from being a person who is thin but sometimes heavy - to a heavy person who is occasionally thin.  Boo to this.  And though I've eaten brownies, ice cream, and hotdogs in the last three days, I seriously need to come up with a new plan.  (Also, hotdogs with sauerkraut, friend onions and mustard is my new fav.)

I planted seeds for my veggie and flower garden - and bought a few house plants (my first ever).  I have yet to kill any, though a few are already a bit peaked, i have to say i LOVE having houseplants.  It had never occurred to me to bring the garden i always wanted to me in pots. :)

One of the hardest parts about being a parent (and notice i say, one) is having to be responsible ALL THE TIME.  When you screw up, it not only screws you but your entire family as well.  That - sucks.

I'm nauseous, headachey, and have chest pains...see, I told you, I need a new plan.  

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