Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer: time for a good book!

So, i thought i would do some book reviews for the summer, but didn't quite know where to begin...,,20355856_20399391,00.html
...this is where i finally ended up. It's a top6 list by none other than America's own world renowned author Mr. Stephen King (have you ever been to a bookstore and stumbled into the shelves with King's novels, they take up their own case!).  However, it is not for his horror writing prowess that i trusted this man to a top reading list, or the fact that he lived in Boulder, CO for a short time, but his blurb in Entertainment Weekly, which i find acutely accurate and insightful regarding culture and life (true).  It will be interesting to see how the group as a whole reads; will they share a common thread, perhaps something in the more morbid vein?  Or, can I trust as an author his tastes will prove broader?  I'll keep you posted as i make my way through his selections :)  I confess, i'm awfully excited!

1 comment:

  1. I have to hear what you think of the Steig books. I'm 4/5 of the way through the second and I've stalled. I think I may have come in with too high of expectations.
