Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 2 Summer Blog - Fun in the Sun

It was a hot day - clearly affecting the little ones moods. The smallest was particularly uncomfortable from the heat - making her prickly and poopy. No really, it was the second day in a row we had to leave the fitness center early due to poop related reasons. The elder two were disappointed to leave so early - though surrounded by boundless toys - the T.V. proved yet again the most captivating entertainment in the room and I found myself eager to free them from its terrible grasp. The highpoint of the day would soon come, when the lads were put to work - washing the family transport. I watered the surrounding vegetation, picking my way through the flora, the occasional high kicking run away from a pesky buzzy bee; the lads were busy scrubbing the car in the grueling heat. Safari hats of Superman and Backyardigans were adorned - while i turned over the hose to what i was sure were capable hands. I could be heard saying...
"The first person to spray someone in the face is going to their room!"
It was the perfect lazy day afternoon. Blue skies and puffy clouds right out of The Simpsons' opening sequence - recliners in the shade of a tree - the children laughing and playing with the water hose.
The day finished with cold watermelon and ice cream. If there was yelling, I cant recall - if there was arguing, I cant say...there is just the image of the small children smiling on a golden summer day.

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