Saturday, February 12, 2011

A real yawn - but you know, i a good way.

Continuing with the "My Favorite Things" theme...this is a wonderful video - found at the Mayo Clinic website regarding meditation and relaxation.  I went there after a particularly trying time in my life - when i found nothing else was working to help ease the anxiety and stress that was proving to swallow me was during this desperate time I searched meditation on the web and stumbled across the MC website.  They talked quite a bit about the benefits of meditation - then went further to offer several videos and links on ways to bring meditation and relaxation into a daily routine.  Cool, Im all about making things easy and accessible in a busy life.   I love this video - whenever I use it I walk away feeling calmer :)  And while this might be the most boring post ever written (its takes too much effort to be wordy and creative when your freakin' sick) dont let that deter you from checking out the website.


  1. I liked that video alot. Sometimes those calming videos can be over the top. I feel very rested!

  2. Cool :) Yeah, i use it almost every night to get ready for bed - helps me relax and shut off my mind to get to sleep.
