Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nutrisystem - Day 9 - Cheat Day!!

The best thing about today?  It's cheat day!  That means that for dinner, I am going to eat whatever the hell I want and love every second of it with no regard for calories.  Woohoo!  To that end, I'm hitting up the Olive Garden tonite.  Nom nom nom!!!  I know the Nutrisystem diet doesn't call for cheat days, but it's something I've decided to do for myself.  I think I will go completely bonkers and end up binging and ruining the diet if I don't actually schedule in cheats for myself.  So, once a week, cheat day it is!  Oh glorious, glorious cheat day.

Weight: 157.8 (at first I was like OMGWTF, but then I remembered it's shark week, so that means bloating (for those of you who don't know what shark week is, let's just say it comes once a month for the ladies))

Calories consumed: Who knows!  :)

Glasses of water consumed: 3.5

NS Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bar (pretty good)
2 slices low fat, low sodium ham
1/2 a banana

NS Creamy Caesar Salad Dressing with Diced Chicken (the dressing was the delicious, the chicken had a slightly weird texture, but tasted fine)
Romaine lettuce
1/2 cup tomato juice
1 hardboiled egg

Dinner: Olive Garden!!
Lasagna Fritta
Four Cheese Pastachettis with Grilled Sausage

Dessert: None.  I was too full from dinner.  Good for me for not overindulging!

Real exercise: None.

~Katy (aka Dorkopotamus)

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