Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nutrisystem - Days 21 & 22

These past two days I went to visit family in New York (I live in Massachusetts), and proceeded to mostly eat like crap while I was there for a number of different reasons.

1. It's hard to stay on Nutrisystem when you're not in your own space. All the additional foods you need, all the veggies and fruits and proteins, just aren't readily accessible. And the prepackaged meals just aren't filling or enough calories by themselves.

2. My Mom, who I stay with when I visit, literally does not keep any food in the house that isn't takeout or sweets. Let me stress that I am NOT exaggerating when I say this. So not only are there no healthy options in sight, all my favorite New York foods and treats are splayed out in front of me just full of temptation.

3. I always end up eating out a lot when I visit. And it's very difficult to behave on a diet when you're at a restaurant full of yummy food options.

4. Eating healthily on the road to and from locations is never easy, as there are few healthy options and plenty of tempting bad ones.

5. I am an emotional eater, and being in New York always makes me emotional for a ton of reasons, not the least of which is missing my father (and the 3rd anniversary of his passing just happened to be this weekend).

So there you have it. I ate pretty badly, and didn't exercise. And yes, I know these excuses are just that - excuses. But, permanently changing how I eat is a process, and believe it or not I still did way better this trip than I have on past trips.

~Katy (aka Dorkopotamus)

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