Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Barbie Holloway

This, is Joan Holloway from Mad Men (played by the always awesome Christina Hendricks).

Gorgeous and curvy as hell.

Now this, on the left, is the Barbie they're making based upon Joan Holloway.

Notice a difference between the two? 

All Barbies are impossibly skinny and horribly disproportioned, but really, they're going to make a voluptious woman into that??  Disgusting.  I know it's just a "toy", but if you're going to base it upon a real person, at least make an effort to come close to that real person's real body type.  I could go on and on about how Barbies are, in some ways, terrible by misrepresenting women to little girls, and giving them body complexes, and blah blah blah.  But the crux of it is this: the world won't end if you produce a single Barbie that looks like an actual woman.

~Dorkopotamus (aka Katy)


  1. Ok, What the Hell, i mean, where her stomach meets her hips are like two right angles - its so agrivating - taking a beautiful woman and changing her shape (in whichever direction) although, could they have made her any narrower? Yikes.

  2. The above comment brought to you by Kim. :)

  3. This comment won't let me put in a pic - but go look at this.

  4. grarrghghgghg totally agreed - what the heck. And don't get me started on how sexualized dolls for little girls are nowadays. Lily happens to love playing with trucks and "boy's toys" and man am I relieved so far. Heh.
