Monday, March 15, 2010

On Writing

So Kim's "August" post makes me want to post some of my own stuff, and some of the stuff we've written together.  But I think I shall wait a bit instead.  Let the creative juices flow, and maybe, just maybe, write something completely new!

I tend to only really write when I'm depressed, which I think is fairly common.  But I've never really tried to write when I'm not in a pit of despair.  I'm prone to trying to capture the bad moments with words, and not the good ones.  They say to "write what you know", and unfortunately what I know best isn't very cheerful.  For example, I think the last time I really wrote was when my father passed away - two years ago this coming May 15th.  I wrote one of the best pieces of poetry I have ever written - a beautiful sonnet, that I love, but BOY is it a downer.  I want to be able to write that expressively when I'm doing okay or even *gasp* happy!

Kim is actually the one who got me into writing sonnets - I've always been a fiction girl myself, although most of my best writing has been non-fiction commentary that I've written for school on topics like popular culture and feminism.  I love writing; I miss writing.  I always say this, and I always put off writing something new.  Which, again, is part of the reason I'm loving this blog so far.  It's inspiring me to write every single day.  I think that eventually I'll surprise myself with something super creative. 

Hey, maybe I'll surprise you, too.

~Dorkopotamus (aka Katy)


  1. It has been almost 2 years already. Over two years now for me. That's messed up.

  2. I know, right? It's so unbelievable...

